Hi semuanya, !
Malem - malem :) !!
Oke, setelah ngubek - ngubek enzim ... hahahhaaa...
Ga deh, tepatnya setelah belajar Biologi, persiapan UN ni :)
Tersliwerlah(terlintas) di otakku, target di bulan April ,
Targetnya itu,
1. Pemantapan Kota dan UN berjalan lancar dan sukses
2. My Birthday in 6th is full of happy day #harus!
3. I can get Oriflame nail polish, 2 atau 3 hahhaaa
4. I can get body cream, hand cream from Oriflame....hehheee
5. My Ibu birthday in 30th April is full of love and beauty :)
Hahahhahaa...itu aja, singkat padat jelas aja...
Semoga semua tercapai :) #harus!
Bye, readers...
You are amazing
Malem - malem :) !!
Oke, setelah ngubek - ngubek enzim ... hahahhaaa...
Ga deh, tepatnya setelah belajar Biologi, persiapan UN ni :)
Tersliwerlah(terlintas) di otakku, target di bulan April ,
source image : www.ebay.co.uk |
Targetnya itu,
1. Pemantapan Kota dan UN berjalan lancar dan sukses
2. My Birthday in 6th is full of happy day #harus!
3. I can get Oriflame nail polish, 2 atau 3 hahhaaa
4. I can get body cream, hand cream from Oriflame....hehheee
5. My Ibu birthday in 30th April is full of love and beauty :)
source image : id.oriflame.com |
Hahahhahaa...itu aja, singkat padat jelas aja...
Semoga semua tercapai :) #harus!
Bye, readers...
You are amazing
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